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Blueline Dental Co.

NYC Teeth Whitening, Close to Home

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Teeth Whitening In Midtown NYC

Everyone loves feeling like their smile looks great, and our NYC teeth whitening services here at Blue Line Dental are a safe and affordable way to do just that. Ready to sport your brightest smile? We’re conveniently located near the corner of E. 55th and 2nd, offering teeth whitening in Midtown NYC.

Whether you need professional teeth whitening in NYC to put your best face forward in your professional life or you just want to feel relaxed and confident laughing and smiling on your next video chat with friends or family, teeth whitening may be the perfect solution for you. Dr. Steven Chavez and the Blue Line Dental team will assess your oral and dental health to determine if you are a candidate for tooth whitening, so call anytime to get your initial consultation on the books.

Wait… Not Everyone Is a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

The short answer is: nope. Many people are candidates for teeth whitening, but not everyone. Here’s what we mean.

If you suffer from gum disease, experience chronic tooth pain or sensitivity, have severely worn or damaged tooth enamel, or you have oral cancer, whitening your teeth is not recommended. Teeth translucence can also become worse from whitening treatment, so Dr. Chavez may recommend you skip whitening if he observes that condition. 

You should also be aware that any calcium deposits on your teeth — such as those that sometimes form after wearing braces — will also become whiter with teeth whitening. In other words, the slightly whiter “discolorations” you have now will be even whiter and perhaps more noticeable after a whitening procedure.

So, Who SHOULD Get Teeth Whitening?

Anyone who has tooth discoloration from causes such as frequent consumption of pigmented food or drinks, smoking, or age can often benefit from teeth whitening treatment. Learn more about the causes of tooth discoloration and which are most easily addressed by teeth whitening.

External Causes of Tooth Discoloration:

Teeth can become discolored from substances they encounter, such as tea, red wine, coffee, sugary carbonated beverages, or tobacco smoke. In such cases, the enamel of the tooth may become increasingly brown or yellow. These types of discoloration are typically easy to treat with teeth whitening.

Internal Causes of Tooth Discoloration:

It’s not just the things we put ON our teeth that can discolor them; sometimes the source of discoloration actually comes from inside the tooth itself. If your teeth have a more gray discoloration, it may be due to genetic factors,  medications you’re taking, tooth decay or injury, or even oversaturation of fluoride. Unfortunately, this kind of discoloration is more challenging to treat with teeth whitening, and the results aren’t as bright and white as you’d hope.

Tooth Discoloration as the Result of Aging:

Teeth naturally yellow slightly over time as you age and your teeth lose some of their enamel. The more your teeth have experienced over time, the more likely it is that their discoloration may be a result of both external and internal factors. So, teeth whitening results may vary for older adults.

Ready for a Teeth Makeover?

If you’re not sure what kind of tooth discoloration you have, or which teeth issues may compromise your ability to have a successful tooth whitening treatment, come in for an appointment and speak with Dr. Chavez and our knowledgeable staff. We will do an onsite assessment of your unique oral health and dental condition and offer you clear guidance as to how you can keep your teeth looking and feeling their best.

Many people try smile makeover solutions at home and feel disappointed with the results. If you want to make a bigger impact on your smile, Blue Line Dental is the place to start.

Enhance your smile and give your teeth a makeover with a teeth cleaning, whitening treatment, and additional cosmetic dental treatment as recommended. There’s nothing quite like feeling your best when you smile, and we’re here to make sure that’s possible for each of our patients. 

The best teeth whitening in NYC is closer than ever thanks to our convenient Midtown location.

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